Monday, January 14, 2008

Beautiful Thoughts

Thoughts of beauty can alter states of consciousness.

      This blog is a way for me to express my philosophical views on Life and it's beauties. To most people these thoughts are going to sound very profound and eccentric, but I will try to decode them as best as possible so that you can relate to and maybe even agree with the way I view the world.

      Take that of a snowflake. When you look at it, what do you see? What feelings do you get? How does your brain comprehend the essence of beauty in it's most powerful state? These are all questions that fascinate me.
         Now, lets step away from beauty and talk about the brain and it's different states of consciousness. An altered state of consciousness, also named altered state of mind, is any condition which is significantly different from a normative waking beta wave state. A beta wave, or beta rhythm, is the term used to designate the frequency range of brain activity above 12 hz (12 transitions or cycles per second). Beta states are the states associated with normal waking consciousness. Low amplitude beta waves with multiple and varying frequencies are often associated with active, busy, or anxious thinking and active concentration.

The following are the types of altered states of consciousness with the associated brainwave frequencies.
Alpha 12.39 ~ 9.9 Hertz (Hz) Start of Meditation
Low Alpha 9.89 ~ 8.2 Hz Inspiration, Mental Mediumship, Clairvoyance etc.
Theta 8.19 ~ 7.7 Hz Light Trance, Overshadowing
High Theta 7.69 ~ 7.1 Hz Partial Loss of Awareness
Theta 7 ~ 4.9 Hz Further Loss of Awareness
Low Theta 4.89 ~ 4.3 Hz Deeper Trance
Delta 4.29 ~ 3.9 Hz Out of Body Feeling
High Delta 3.89 ~ 3 Hz Spirit guides Controlling
Delta 2.9 ~ 1.5 Hz Passive Body
Low Delta 1.49 ~ 0.5 Hz Full Deep Trance
Panning 0.49 ~ 0.01 Hz Where Have You Gone?
The ultimate question I'm asking is; Can thoughts of beauty alter our state of consciousness? I believe it can...
This is only a theory that I have concocted by my experiences. Take note!!!! I am not a doctor, scientist, or by any means qualified to say that any of this is true! I'm just a mere artist that is exploring how our brain works...
This is just the beginning. I will expand on this more as I explore my own mind and research how we process beauty and states of consciousness. Until then PEACE, LOVE, WEALTH, and HAPPINESS TO ALL!!!!!

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